YOUR Customers are Tired of Poor "In Store" Experiences

Every day, we hear from consumers and customers of small and large retailers about how these organizations lack a basic understanding of reputation management. According to their statements, "the lines at the registers are long, so they don't care about my experience", these brands could ’t be more wrong.

Understanding customer satisfaction is crucial for improving services and boosting loyalty. Real-time feedback solutions, such as the Tapyness platform, capture customer sentiments instantly, providing valuable insights into the customer experience.

Key Features

Instant Feedback Collection - Tapyness offers an intuitive interface for immediate customer feedback, encouraging high participation rates across in-store kiosks vs. outmoded surveys. 

Actionable Insights - Tapyness aggregates and analyzes data to produce actionable insights, converting raw feedback into meaningful metrics for strategic improvements.

Customizable Feedback Points - Feedback kiosks are tailored to fit various business environments, maximizing response rates and relevance.

Real-Time Reporting - Tapyness provides real-time dashboards for prompt responses to feedback, allowing swift implementation of improvements.

Enhanced Customer Engagement - Tapyness integrates seamlessly with various customer interaction points, improving engagement with frictionless feedback collection.


1. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Address issues promptly.

2. Increased Customer Loyalty: Show customers their feedback matters.

3. Better Service Quality: Continuously identify and rectify deficiencies.

4. Informed Business Decisions: Make strategic decisions based on actual feedback.

5. Competitive Advantage: Differentiate by actively listening to customers. 

 Additional Advantages

- Frictionless Implementation: Virtually zero impact on IT departments.

- Omnichannel Compatibility: Adds to existing survey systems seamlessly.


Implementing Tapyness for real-time feedback is strategic for enhancing customer experience. Capture immediate feedback, transform it into actionable insights, and foster loyalty while ensuring continual service improvement.

Elevate your customer experience strategy with Tapyness and see the positive impact on your business growth and customer satisfaction.