A Better Measure of Customer Experience

Klaus and Maklan's research introduces a new approach to measuring customer experience (CX), addressing limitations of traditional metrics like customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score.

Key points:

1. CX encompasses the entire customer journey, including emotional and functional interactions.

2. The Customer Experience Quality (EXQ) scale was developed to capture a broader scope of CX.

3. EXQ evaluates overall perception, value in use, emotional influences, and experiences across all touchpoints.

4. The scale shows superior predictive power for loyalty and word-of-mouth behavior compared to traditional measures.

Tapyness offers practical tools aligning with EXQ principles:

- Real-time feedback collection

- Comprehensive metrics covering functional and emotional aspects

- Actionable insights through advanced analytics

- Customizable case studies

- Integration with existing business systems

By adopting the EXQ scale and utilizing tools like Tapyness, businesses can better understand customer perceptions, leading to targeted improvements in service delivery and stronger customer connections.

This approach helps companies foster customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, ultimately driving long-term business success.

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